Victor Frankenstein
The young creator of the Monster is one of the stories main characters. He is the protagonist of the story, as it revolves around his life. He creates the Monster using the "secret of life" he discovers during his experiments... but he soon comes to regret it. Victor's family is murdered by the Monster in cold blood, so he resolves to chase it to the North Pole where an unexpected friend appears.
The Monster
The resultant of Victor Frankenstein's dark experiments. He is a giant, hulking mass of hatred, but he was not always like this. At the time of his conception he was innocent and just wanted love... but because of his gruesome appearance he could not find any. He asks Victor to make him a bride, but Victor refuses so the Monster works to destroy everything Victor loves... the Frankenstein family. Once murdering all Victor held dear, he leads him to the North Pole, where he escapes him.
Robert Walton
A young English explorer who journeys to the North Pole. While his ship is trapped in ice his crew spots a mysterious, gigantic man riding on a dog sled. Later that day they find another man floating on a stray chunk of ice with a sled and only one living dog. The man is revealed to be Victor Frankenstein, and the two become friends. Victor relates his astonishing life story to Walton, and so the entire story takes place in Walton's letters to England.